
Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Video Resources on the BYU Family History Library YouTube Channel
The Brigham Young University Family History Library has maintained a steady stream of new videos being uploaded to their YouTube Channel. Here are a few of the most recent offerings:

Using American Migration Patterns to Find Ancestors - James Tanner

Fuzzy Gazetteer by Barbara Starkey

Autosomal DNA Testing Plans - Paul Woodbury (1 Nov 2018)

What's Happening at the BYU FHL by Joe Everett

Ordinances Ready Family Search by Judy Sharp

We now have over 400 videos on almost every conceivable genealogical topic. If you find that YouTube is blocked, you may wish to view the videos directly from the BYU Family History Library Webinar Library. In the Webinar Library, you will find the videos listed by category.

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