
Monday, November 5, 2018

Official Statement on Ward Family History Organization

Please Note: 
I have found several references to the content of this letter online, but the language in Handbook 2 does not yet reflect this exact information. Unless your Stake and Ward leaders have received the referenced letter, I suggest waiting for further instructions. 

The changes in the Priesthood quorums of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has also affected the Ward organization of those involved in temple and family history. Here is a quote from a letter dated October 6, 2018, to General Authorities; General Auxiliary Presidencies; Area Seventies; Stake, Mission, and District Presidents; Bishops and Branch Presidents; Elders Quorum Presidencies; Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidencies from the Priesthood and Family Department, it
“When assigned these responsibilities, the elders quorum counselor responsible for member missionary work will act in the role of ward mission leader or will supervise a ward mission leader who is a Melchizedek Priesthood holder. Similarly, the other elders quorum counselor will act as the ward temple and family history leader or will supervise a Melchizedek Priesthood holder who is called to that responsibility. Whether a bishop calls a ward mission leader and a ward temple and family history leader or the counselors in the elders quorum presidency fill those roles is up to the inspired direction of each bishop.”

 “To facilitate priesthood-directed member missionary work and temple and family history work, the Relief Society presidency may follow the pattern of the elders quorum, with one counselor assigned to help with member missionary work and the other counselor assigned to help with temple and family history work.”

Additional clarification:
  • If neither elders quorum counselor takes the family history responsibility then a Melchizedek Priesthood holder is called, much like the ward mission leader, as the ward temple and family history leader. This is a calling made by a member of the bishopric and is sustained in Sacrament Meeting. 
  • The ward temple and family history leader does not replace the lead ward temple and family history consultant. That lead ward consultant calling can be filled by a sister or a couple. 
  • The ward temple and family history leader (or elders quorum counselor) has administrative responsibility to ensure ward consultants, including the lead, are called and trained, help motivate and make sure family history discussions are happening in the ward council.
  • Ward lead consultants, in addition to helping ward members one-on-one, train the new ward temple and family history consultants. They can call upon stake lead consultants for assistance if needed. 
  • It may be that the ward temple and family history leader could also be the lead consultant but would need to be a Melchizedek Priesthood holder and take on both sets of responsibilities. This is up to the bishop.


  1. Br. James, We have the letter of 6 October from which you quote, but it is one page only and does not contain an Additional Clarification section. The letter on file in the Official Communication Library lacks this section also. May I ask the source of the section? Thanks and regards, Br. John, Shaker Heights Ward, Kirtland Ohio Stake.

    1. I find the wording on one website:

      But I do not find updated changes in the General Handbook 2 that reflect the current organization of the Elders Quorum. I received a copy of the letter from an Area Temple and Family History Consultant. I am putting a qualifying note on the blog post.

  2. Interesting.
    As an Elder Quorum President who has been given said assignments I would like a citation on the content of your post.
    Thanking you for all you do James!

  3. Thank you for the post. Do you have a source for the "Additional clarification" comments? They are very helpful.

    1. Sorry, but i am not seeing the "Additional Clarification" on - just the original one page letter. What am i doing wrong?

    2. You aren't doing anything wrong. I cannot verify the additional information other than it was quoted in the copy I received.

  4. I read in one of the letters that we are to use the official callings list found on There is a T & FH-Lead. There is no calling for T & FH Leader. While the premise of lead and leader may be good, I wonder, are we over complicating the organization. I always thought consultants were called , in part, to train.

  5. I don’t think it needs to be so cumbersome. I think if Temple Family History Consultants could give feed back to their leader, it would benefit both the ward council as consultants would have the opportunity to give a voice. Right now, it’s like the Temple Family History Consultants is a note on paper without any other notes to give purpose or harmony. The setting apart has meaning but mouths have been shut as no questions been asked of them by those who are over them. Do I sound negative? I don’t consider myself that, as it allows me more time to research my own lines deeper 😀
