
Monday, February 11, 2019

Announcing the Upcoming MyHeritage LIVE 2019 Conference
I am excited to announce's LIVE 2019 conference to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands from September 6 through September 8, 2019. What is even more exciting for me is that I will be participating as a featured speaker at the conference.
Here are two more of the speakers who did not fit in my first screenshot.

Earlybird registration is already open for a special rate of €150. That works out to about $178 US at the current exchange rate which of course can change daily. Click here for registration information. Accommodations are available at the Hilton Amsterdam.

I will obviously have a lot more information about this wonderful conference once more details are available.


  1. Thanks for the conference article; however, I have not been getting either of your blog updates for several weeks. Do you know what may be causing this?

    1. You may have had access through Google+ which is now shut down by Google. Try subscribing by Feedburner. There is a link on the right hand sidebar of the blog.
