
Sunday, February 24, 2019 acquires RootsFinder Inc
It looks like is making a major effort to move into the large online family tree business by acquiring RootsFinder, Inc. Here is a short quote from the email notice I received.
Leading family history website, Findmypast, has acquired RootsFinder Inc. and their critically acclaimed RootsFinder family tree product, including new features to help customers analyze their DNA results.

The acquisition reflects Findmypast’s drive to innovate and enhance their customer experience by providing users with new ways to curate, share and explore their family history discoveries.

The acquisition will serve to help Findmypast and its partners accelerate development towards the new “Findmypast Tree” – a continuing effort that seeks to connect users anywhere in the world and offer them the opportunity to discover their family history by working together. 

Founded in 2014 by Dallan Quass, RootsFinder is a free online family tree builder that provides users with the ability to collect and store data from a variety of online sources, engaging ways to capture and visualize media, family connections as well as powerful tools to analyze DNA results. RootsFinder has established itself as popular resource for genealogists across the world and was selected as a semi-finalist in the 2017 RootsTech Innovator Showdown.
Later on in the announcement, it states that "There are no plans to change the features and services RootsFinder users currently enjoy and RootsFinder will continue to operate as a standalone product for the foreseeable future." That leaves open the possibility of having the RootsFinder resources move into the family trees.  By the way, the homepage has undergone some dramatic changes recently. Here is a screenshot of what mine looks like today.
I use consistently and frequently in my English and British Ilse research. It is an extremely valuable part of the tools that solve difficult research problems. All four of the large online genealogical database programs are valuable tools and more genealogists need to "bite the bullet" and subscribe to all four.

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