
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Mini Classes at RootsTech 2019 from The Family History Guide

The volunteers at The Family History Guide will be super busy bringing you help, support, and classes. We will be available during the first day of RootsTech 2019, Wednesday, February 27th, beginning at 6 PM to 8 PM when the Expo Hall opens. The classes are scheduled only for Thursday Friday and Saturday. Various volunteers have signed up to teach the classes. Both my wife and I will be teaching classes but because of contingencies, we've decided not to specifically list the instructors to allow for more flexibility.

The volunteer staff will also be available both during the classes and in between classes to answer questions and provide direct support for the website. For more information, see the following blog post:
Here is a map of Exhibit Floor with The Family History Guide Booth #217 marked in red.

Here is an expanded view of the area around The Family History Guide Booth #217.

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