
Monday, February 25, 2019

Off to RootsTech 2019
Well, as I get older time passes more quickly and here we are at another week for RootsTech 2019. it will be a little bit strange for me to go back after missing a whole year while I was in Annapolis, Maryland digitizing records for FamilySearch at the Maryland State Archives. It seems like even though time passes quickly, I have been thinking about and planning for the year's RootsTech Conference for a long time.  I will be just as busy as usual. I will be doing two presentations for the BYU Family History Library on Thursday and Friday, and a presentation for on Friday. You can check at the booths for the schedule of presentations including mine at both the BYU Family History Library booth and the booth. I will also be helping out at the booth for The Family History Guide #217. You may also find me at the Media Hub with the other RootsTech Ambassadors.

The rest of the time, I will either be in meetings or wandering around the exhibit floor renewing acquaintanceships and finding out about the latest changes and technologies. Please stop me or stop by the booths and say hello.

The weather reports for Salt Lake City don't look too good. As I write this post, it is supposed to be snowing here in Provo but it isn't but it is still cold. Be prepared for cold weather and possible rain or snow. There is a very good video series called the "Road to RootsTech Video Series. " I would strongly recommend watching these videos in preparation for the conference especially if you haven't attended before. If you have attended before, particularly last year, you may wish to watch the series to see all the changes that were made because of difficulties experienced last year.

Hope to see you there. Since I will be at RootsTech, I doubt I will get any blog posts written until after the conference.

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