
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A List of All of the FamilySearch Apps???
Over the past couple of years, has announced dozens of apps and specialty pages on the website, such as the one shown above announcing "Family History Activities." Almost all of these apps or specialty pages have virtually disappeared over time and it is almost impossible to find a link from any of them on the website. You might expect to see some of them on a "Site Map" but even though there is one, only a few of the older pages are listed.

By the way, there is a Site Map. It is linked at the bottom of the startup page. Here is a screenshot:
If you spend some time, you will notice that the Family History Activities are not listed.

I decided to see how many of these invisible pages could be found with a determined Google search. They usually appear with a URL address of "[name of page]" Here is the list so far. I do not pretend to have found all of them, but this was a good attempt. Oh, before I get going on this list, I must mention some of the most obvious hidden pages: the pages for individual states and countries. How do you find these? Well, the best place to look is in The Family History Guide in the Countries section. There are links to all of the pages we know about. Here is a screenshot of England page:
Actually, in this case, there is a roundabout way to find this page. You click on the map on the Historical Records page and then click on an area of the world and select a country. These pages come up for each country. Any mention of this huge collection of pages in any other place on the website including the "Site Map?"

Hmm. I had another thought about the website before I get into my list. If you are on the ( website and find a page that looks like the following screenshot, where do the links take you to learn about the website?
You might have guessed. The links take you to a link to The Family History Guide.
So your best source for finding all this stuff is in The Family History Guide.

Am I finally going to get to my list? Well, that depends on whether or not I keep finding other obscure stuff. Yes, I actually used a program that will list all the pages instead of looking for them with a Google search. The results were pretty scary. The list ran on for thousands of pages. No wonder some of these previously announced pages get lost. I finally got tired of watching the list grow and grow, Here is a screenshot of part of the list.

I left the list running a growing because I ran out of time when it got listing all the 89,000+ FamilySearch Research Wiki pages. No wonder stuff gets lost.

So how do we find stuff like the Pioneer Discovery Page that came up last year? Well, it appears that those types of pages are temporary and now lead to dead links. Meanwhile, the list keeps growing.


  1. You titled and started off your post seeming to be trying to find all the FamilySearch Apps. But you left us hanging a bit, as I was waiting for and even expecting the article to end up with the list of what you found. Or was the point that you just got too distracted by the page organization.

    1. There was no way to separate the apps and special pages from the list of thousands of pages. I also found many of the pages I was looking for had been abandoned and were no longer connected to any information. Maybe I should have changed the title when I found all that.

  2. I've been frustrated too as I have taught others and showed them some fun things to do with family history. I found the activities at:
