
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Using the Ordinances Ready App to Find Research Opportunities

The Ordinances Ready App can obviously be used to find available ordinances from the names of people in the Family Tree or people who have already been found and shared with the temples. But there is a way to use the app to find research opportunities in the Family Tree that could find many more of your ancestors and relatives. By applying these procedures, the Ordinance Ready App becomes a powerful finding tool for locating areas in the Family Tree that need research and could result in adding many more individuals to the Family Tree. 

The first step is simple. Choose one of the ordinance types and view the results. Here is one of the names I found in the list for potential baptisms.

Next, you need to view your relationship to this person. Here is my relationship to this person. 

He is married to one of my distant cousins. I always spend some time looking at the way I am related to these people to determine if there is a real connection. In this case, there are ample sources documenting this family's relationship to me. Here is the individual's Detail Page.

What is interesting about this family? Well, the father, George Orr, was found and added to the family tree a short time ago and then the ordinances were shared with the Temple. That is how I got his name suggested to me from the Ordinances Ready program. What else is interesting? His wife, my cousin, was also found and her ordinances were also shared with the Temple. What is missing? There is only one child listed. Granted, George Orr died in 1835 the same year that his daughter was born, but what happened to the daughter and the wife?

All this suggests that there is some research that could be done. Why be satisfied with one name to take to the Temple? Why not do some research and find the rest of this family? All provided courtesy of the Ordinances Ready App. In fact, I have counted up over 20 available ordinances from this family. 

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