
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Are you an orphan Temple and Family History Consultant?

Despite the Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction from Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on February 28, 2019, there are still Wards and Stakes that have not yet implemented the ideal Ward Temple and Family History Leadership Pattern.

Failure to implement the standard pattern makes the Ward Temple and Family History Consultant essentially an orphan. However, even without this formal organization, a Temple and Family History Consultant should be helping the Ward members individually with their family history needs. New instructions about the Temple and Family Consultant calling have been posted on Here is the link to the first page of the instruction.

Quoting from the section called "Discover, Gather, Connect:"
Personalized Family History Experiences 
A good way to engage others in temple and family history is through personalized family history experiences. 
A personalized family history experience is a meeting between a temple and family history consultant and an individual or family where the consultant shares an activity or family history information prepared especially for that meeting. This can take place in a home or another convenient location that is conducive to the Spirit.
This section emphasizes the need for the Temple and Family History consultants to help individuals one-on-one. The Ward may eventually develop a plan and include you in the implementation, but your core responsibility is to help people one at a time with finding their own family names to take to the Temple. The instructions include step by step instructions about how to go about doing this.

If you need any other help at all, please take a few minutes to review The Family History Guide. This resource will teach you what you need to know to really help others.

Do not feel like an orphan. You can learn what you need to know from the online resources. Then you can begin helping those around you. If the Ward catches up and has a plan, then you are that much further ahead.

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