
Sunday, May 5, 2019

More Show Me Videos on The Family History Guide
Show Me videos are relatively short audio and visual illustrations of each the Goals in The Family History Guide. Here is a screenshot of where they are found on the website.

The blog post mentions six of the Show Me videos, but there are more being completed every few days. Here is the list of the six that are posted as of the date of this post.

  • Projects Overview—How to navigate the Goals and Choices in the Projects of The Family History Guide.
  • Project 1: Goal 1—Learn FamilySearch Project 1, Goal 1, including sign-in, basic navigation, and privacy rules.
  • Project 1: Goal 2—Learn about Summary Cards, Person Pages, charts, and Time Lines.
  • Project 1: Goal 3—Learn about viewing details for children and spouses, as well as the Family Members section of the Person Page.
  • Project 1: Goal 4—Learn to use the Find menu and Recents menu to quickly locate people in your tree.
  • Project 1: Goal 5—Learn how to use alternate views, such as Portrait, Fan Chart, Virtual Pedigree, etc.
The Show Me videos follow the text of the website in a narrative format. We have elected to use a computer-generated voice because it will be easier over time to update the videos. Here is our YouTube Channel.

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