
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Come to the BYU Family History and Genealogy Conference

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Registration is still open for the 51st annual Brigham Young University Conference on Family History and Genealogy from July 30th to August 2nd at the BYU Conference Center in Provo, Utah.

I will be teaching three classes (up from two) at this year's conference. Here are my classes:

James Tanner, MA, JD A Step by Step Approach to Using Genealogical Cluster Research
Wednesday, July 31st at 1:30 pm

James Tanner, MA, JD Finding the Family Farm: Using Maps and Gazetteers to Find Your Ancestors
Friday, August 2nd at 2:45 pm

and a new class for The Family History Guide substituting for Bob Ives, on Friday, August 2nd at 8:30 am.

For a while in the past, the BYU Conference Center was under construction. If you came to the Conference during the construction period, you will be relieved to know that the construction is all finished and there are no parking or construction problems. The new addition is public transportation almost to the front door of the Conference center in the form of the UVX Bus line that connects to the Provo Central FrontRunner station.

Here is a link to the schedule:
If you have been overwhelmed by RootsTech, I suggest that this is a more personal and manageable Conference plus you get the benefit of being on the BYU Campus and could visit and research at the BYU Family History Library in the evenings. If you need help at the Library, you could always find or call or email me and I could help you.

Even if you don't attend any of my classes be sure to say hello.

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