
Saturday, August 3, 2019

An Analysis of the Weekly Change Reports for the FamilySearch Family Tree: Week Nine

This will be the last in this series of analyzing the Weekly Change Reports from about the Family Tree. For the past few weeks, the average number of changes made without any supporting sources has stabilized at about 87%. Anyone working on the Family Tree who has an extensive ancestry, such as one created by pioneer ancestors, should expect about that level of changes every week. If you have basically made your own entries in the Family Tree and do not connect to the huge number of people from New England or other such locations, the number of changes may be far lower. If you are watching people who were born before 1700, you may likely have many more changes than the average. I will be writing a more complete commentary and analysis in the near future.

Here is this weeks compilation. The email message is dated August 3, 2019, so this report adds changes from July 25, 2019, to that date. The most recent changes are in green so you can see which people have consistent changes.

Some out there will probably use this series as a justification for abandoning work on the Family Tree. These will probably be the same people who refuse to plant gardens because they might have to pull weeds. In anticipation of my forthcoming commentary, I would just note that the benefit of having the Family Tree far outweighs the time involved in maintenance.

Stay tuned.

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