
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Apostles to Instruct at #RootsTech 2015 Free Family Discovery Day

The ChurchNews ran an article entitled, "Apostles to Instruct at RootsTech 2015 Free Family Discovery Day." The article stated, in part:
Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy, Young Women general presidentBonnie L. Oscarson, and other Church leaders will speak and participate during the 2015 RootsTech Family Discovery Day in February. 
Family Discovery Day at the RootsTech family history conference is a free, one-day event for Latter-day Saint families and members (age 8 and up). Events are specially designed to inspire the entire family to find and discover family names, prepare those names for temple ordinances, and teach family members and friends how to get started with family history. 
Family Discovery Day is Saturday, February 14, 2015, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is hosted by the Church and FamilySearch. The cost is free but individuals and families must register online to participate.
 Additionally, there will also be several other prominent participants:
Special guests include Olympic medalist Noelle Pikus-Pace, who drew world attention at the Sochi Winter Olympics by jumping into the stands and celebrating with her family after her achievement in the skeleton event. “My family means absolutely everything to me,” Pikus-Pace said of her involvement with Family Discovery Day. “I’m so grateful to my ancestors for paving the way for me to be where I am today. Coming together like this, to celebrate families, is a wonderful opportunity for each one of us.” 
Popular speaker and blogger Al Fox Carraway, author of In the Head of Al, will also be part of the day. Family Discovery Day will conclude with an entertaining closing event featuring the cast of BYUtv’s Studio C and another special guest performer to be announced soon.

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