
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Holding a RootsTech Family Discovery Day for Your Stake

Sponsored by FamilySearch, #RootsTech 2015 will be another major landmark in the development of family history in the United States and beyond. This next year, 2015, from February 11th to the 14th, the four day conference will be expanded beyond past years with the inclusion of the concurrent Federation of Genealogical Society Conference (FGS). Events and Keynote Speakers already announced include famous singers and entertainers such as Donny OsmondAlex Boye and A.J. Jacobs, author, journalist, human guinea pig and cousin. There will also be dozens of speakers on a variety of motivating and informational subjects relating to both technology and family history.

Even if you cannot attend #RootsTech 2015 because of time or distance, you can encourage your Stake to hold a local Family Discovery Day. As described by FamilySearch in a recent blog post:
If you are looking for a new and fun way to help members of your stake find family names for their tree, prepare those names for the temple, and be enabled to teach others how to do the same, consider hosting a RootsTech Family Discovery Day (formerly called Family History Fair) in your stake in 2015. 
The family history department will supply you with great content from the RootsTech 2015 conference, access to customizable posters and flyers, as well as other great resources you can use to make planning your event easy. As the event organizer you will have many tools at your fingertips to excite the members of your stake and community about finding their family connections and strengthening those bonds. 
Learn more about hosting a Family Discovery Day at and sign your stake up today!
All of the instructions, handouts, and publicity materials are being supplied by FamilySearch. During this year, more than a thousand such events were held around the world. Don't be left out of this marvelous opportunity.

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